R Language

How to draw histogram in R

How to draw histogram in R

Frequency histograms are useful when you want to get an idea about the distribution of values in numeric variable. The hist() function takes a numeric vector as its main argument. To construct a...
How to generate scatter plot in R?

How to generate scatter plot in R?

Summarizing your data, either numerically or graphically, is an important component of any data analysis. Fortunately, R has excellent graphics capabilities and can be used whether you want to produce...
How to import Excel file into R?

How to import Excel file into R?

In business, perhaps the most widely used file format to store the data is the excel workbook. An excel workbook contains tables which can easily perform calculations. Just as CSV file can be imported...
How to import and export CSV file in R?

How to import and export CSV file in R?

The first step in any kind of data analysis in R is to load the data, that is, to import a dataset into the R Environment. There are variety of data files you can import into R, which includes: Among...
Need HELP in R? A sneak peak into R’s Help ecosystem.

Need HELP in R? A sneak peak into R’s Help ecosystem.

When you wanted to import the text file in R, you must have used read.table() function. But do you know that you can pass on more than 20 different arguments to read.table() function? You must have...
Learn 6 easy functions from base R to spot check your data set

Learn 6 easy functions from base R to spot check your data set

When the new data is presented to you for the analysis, you would like to get first hand information on the data set before diving deep into analysis. This is similar to doing a warm up exercises...
What are R Packages and how to install them?

What are R Packages and how to install them?

R packages are extensions to the R programming language. R packages contain code, data, and documentation in a standardized collection format that can be installed by users of R, typically via a...
Unraveling data types in R – The list – A gentle introduction

Unraveling data types in R – The list – A gentle introduction

In R, a list is an ordered collection of objects, like vector, but lists can actually combine objects of different types. List elements can contain any type of object that exists in R...
Unraveling R Data Types – The Factors – A gentle introduction

Unraveling R Data Types – The Factors – A gentle introduction

The factor data type is used to represent character data. This character data, however takes a small number of distinct values. Each distinct value is represented by a integer code, which is called as...
Unraveling R data types – The Data Frame – A gentle introduction

Unraveling R data types – The Data Frame – A gentle introduction

A data frame represents a data with a number of rows and columns. Unlike matrix, data frames can contain variables with different data types, therefor Data Frames are heterogeneous...
Unraveling R data types – The Matrix – A gentle introduction

Unraveling R data types – The Matrix – A gentle introduction

In R, matrix is a vector with two additional attributes, the number of rows and the number of columns. Since vectors are the building blocks of matrices, like vectors, matrices are also constrained to...
Unraveling R data types – The Vectors – A gentle introduction

Unraveling R data types – The Vectors – A gentle introduction

The first step in learning R programming is getting familiar with basic R objects and their structure. The fundamental data object in R is a vector. In this article we will define the R objects...
Getting started with R – Part 2: RStudio installation guide

Getting started with R – Part 2: RStudio installation guide

This is the second post in the “Getting Started with R Programming” series. In the previous post, we discussed the processes for getting the R programme from the CRAN website. We also...
Getting started with R – Part 1: R installation guide

Getting started with R – Part 1: R installation guide

In this blog we will install R (for Windows and Mac OS) and have a quick tour of R environment...

What R is and what it is not?

R, as a programming language, has been evolving and developing over the last 20 years. Its goal is quite clear to make it easy and flexible to perform comprehensive statistical computing, data...
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