
R is functional programming language i.e. there is a function available for every operation we perform in R. A function is just a block of code that you can call and run from any part of your program. They are used to break our code in simple parts and avoid repeatable codes by automating repetitive tasks. 
In this video, we will study the different components of a function, create custom function in R and use different methods to call the function.

Functions are a fundamental building block of R and writing functions is a core activity of an R programmer. This is how R packages are written - by writing the functions to extend the functionality of R. 

About Author
My name is Siddharth Sahasrabudhe. I am a founder of Plotly Analytics. I help business professionals learn data science using R programming. All my learning resources are easy to follow, thorough and anyone can follow them regardless of one's professional and educational background.

Find out more about plotly analytics here:

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For one-on -one or group trainings in R language, please contact me at:

R is functional programming language i.e. there is a function available for every operation we perform in R. A function is just a block of code that you can call and run from any part of your program. They are used to break our code in simple parts and avoid repeatable codes by automating repetitive tasks.
In this video, we will study the different components of a function, create custom function in R and use different methods to call the function.

Functions are a fundamental building block of R and writing functions is a core activity of an R programmer. This is how R packages are written - by writing the functions to extend the functionality of R.

About Author
My name is Siddharth Sahasrabudhe. I am a founder of Plotly Analytics. I help business professionals learn data science using R programming. All my learning resources are easy to follow, thorough and anyone can follow them regardless of one's professional and educational background.

Find out more about plotly analytics here:

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For one-on -one or group trainings in R language, please contact me at:

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YouTube Video VVVySUEtczhMS1F4YW5Ra0dOMWtkNlRBLjgzN0U4bnpmNVlr

How to create custom functions in R?

Plotly Analytics - Giving Life to Data July 23, 2024 10:08 am

While  loops are used when we don’t know the exact number of times a block of code is to be repeated.  
The primary difference between a `for` loop and a `while` loop is: a `for` loop is used when the number of iterations a code should be run is known where a `while` loop is used when the number of iterations is not known. 

The while loop has the test_expression. It first gets evaluated.  If the result is TRUE, then the block of code inside the while  loop gets executed.  Once the execution is completed, the test_expression  is evaluated again and the same process is repeated until the test_expression  evaluates to FALSE. 

However, while loops may end up into infinite loops.  Therefor, we must remain very cautious in using while loops and check diligently if the loop is not getting repeated into infinite number of times.

About Author
My name is Siddharth Sahasrabudhe. I am a founder of Plotly Analytics. I help business professionals learn data science using R programming. All my learning resources are easy to follow, thorough and anyone can follow them regardless of one's professional and educational background.

Find out more about plotly analytics here:

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For one-on -one or group trainings in R language, please contact me at:

While loops are used when we don’t know the exact number of times a block of code is to be repeated.
The primary difference between a `for` loop and a `while` loop is: a `for` loop is used when the number of iterations a code should be run is known where a `while` loop is used when the number of iterations is not known.

The while loop has the test_expression. It first gets evaluated. If the result is TRUE, then the block of code inside the while loop gets executed. Once the execution is completed, the test_expression is evaluated again and the same process is repeated until the test_expression evaluates to FALSE.

However, while loops may end up into infinite loops. Therefor, we must remain very cautious in using while loops and check diligently if the loop is not getting repeated into infinite number of times.

About Author
My name is Siddharth Sahasrabudhe. I am a founder of Plotly Analytics. I help business professionals learn data science using R programming. All my learning resources are easy to follow, thorough and anyone can follow them regardless of one's professional and educational background.

Find out more about plotly analytics here:

Connect with me on LinkedIn:

Connect with me on Twitter:

For one-on -one or group trainings in R language, please contact me at:

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YouTube Video VVVySUEtczhMS1F4YW5Ra0dOMWtkNlRBLlpfeXN0cjBqMmc0

How to write WHILE loop in R?

Plotly Analytics - Giving Life to Data July 20, 2024 12:13 pm

How to write IF statement in R?

Plotly Analytics - Giving Life to Data July 15, 2024 11:44 am

How to import .CSV file in R using RStudio interface?

Plotly Analytics - Giving Life to Data July 12, 2024 10:31 am

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